There are many different ways to assess, as we have already seen throught the readings. One of these important tools is the portfolio, which I believe is very useful to encourage students towards being more active than passive in their learning process. By using portfolios they are producing motivated to be more independent and resposible for their own process. Furthermore, students can enhance their own critical voice, perceptions and thoughts which are captured inside the protafolios.
As it is a more or less independent activity, students are not prepared to carry this task out by their own, a kind of control is still needed. Another aspect that limits the acuracy of portfolios is the fact that teacher´s subjectivity sometimes plays a role when it comes to grading different student´s assigments, so they will vary according to the teacher´s personality or ideas. So, in order to avoid these subjectivity, and used the portfolio not just for the matter of grading, it could be more meaningful for students to understand that using protfolios is good for them to improve their skills.
I think that the use of portfolios or other technologic tools in the classroom or as a home task should be an educator's topic of interest. I used to think that technology wasn't really a need when talking about teaching, but I thought that way because I wasn't familiar with those tools and I didn't know how many things you can do and how useful they are when you actually try it. It is also useful when designing tasks or even assessing your students. The use of portfolios let us find out our students' likes, they show in what thy share a little taste of their personality and interests, they are learning something useful and new that somehow is going to have an impact on their learning or future professional experiences. Nowadays, every professional field demands for at least a basic management of technology, and gatting students familiar with those practices not only will help us to come up with better assessment strategies, but also will help us to learn how to take advantages of using it along with our students. Assessing those practices can be challenging, but I think that we can design a chart or rubric to set up the criteria when we intend to assess this kind of tools.